Youth Synod is an annual event that gathers together youth from across the diocese aged 13-21 in addition to a number of community volunteers.
This events educates and encourages youth to engage with the upcoming diocesan synod session, church politics, and community/global initiatives.
Youth will be invited to share topics informed by their experiences with which they are passionate and further develop a voice for justice. Joined by local community experts, we will continue to faithfully learn how to positively influence and safeguard God's creation.
Delegates commit to sharing their learnings with their parish. On occasion delegates may create motions that are eventually presented at diocesan synod.
Each parish is encouraged to be represented by an unlimited number of delegates; these delegates are invited to attend by the parish.
Youth Synod advocates for a world that reflects God's mission, love, hope, hospitality, inclusion, and justice.
The 2022 event will be held Saturday, October 15.