In the Anglican Cycle of prayer, we pray for The Church in the Province of the West Indies
In our Diocese of Niagara, we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Dr. Susan Bell; St. Alban, Beamsville, The Reverend Dr. Dan Tatarnic, Priest-in-Charge; The Reverend Mary Kimberley, Associate Priest; and the people of that parish.
In our parish cycle of prayer, we pray for Thomas, Paul, Orla, Emily, Clare, Connor, Eryn & Bria
In our neighbourhood, we pray for Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association Hill Street Community Garden Maureen Wilson, our local councillor, and all who work with her.
Those in our parish for whom our prayers are requested, we pray for Norm, Charles, Darlene, Daryl, Eileen, Ian, Kenneth, Patti, Woody, Violet, Michael and Bridget.
In our groups and organizations within SJE, we pray for Licensed lay readers, John Bowen and Susan Little
In our outreach and missions supported by by SJE, We pray for Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and Hamilton Out of the Cold