Alongside Hope, formerly known as The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is the Anglican Church of Canada’s agency for sustainable development, relief, refugees, and global justice.
Alongside Hope works in partnership with organizations in Canada and throughout the world to support people-centred development that improves the quality of daily life for vulnerable populations, promotes self-reliance, and addresses root causes of poverty and injustice. Alongside Hope is active in approximately 30 countries, and also accompanies uprooted people – including victims of disasters, refugees, internally displaced people, and migrant workers. Alongside Hope partners are drawn from Anglican churches, ecumenical organizations, and community-based groups. Partners address the root causes of problems and accompany communities as they move beyond survival into sustainable development.
To know more about Alongside Hope, including the World of Gifts and ways to donate online during the poatal strike please visit their website.