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Join us for our first consultation in our parish Mission Action Plan process, a conversation about Adult Faith Formation. The consultation will take place by Zoom videoconference and we will send you all the details after you have registered. 

Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8.31-32)

Faith formation says a great deal about what kind of life we are called to lead as a Christian. Nish Weiseth captures this; “Spiritual formation is the process by which we are shaped by the power of the Holy Spirit into the image of Jesus for the sake of others…Not for us, but for our neighbours, for our communities, for the sake of doing the work of Jesus here on this earth in this time, to see the Kingdom of God break through…so that others might flourish…We are called to be made more into the image of Jesus for their sake, so that they may be blessed.” (A Rhythm of Prayer, edited by Sarah Bessey, 95)

Preparing for the Consultation

Use the Adult Faith Formation Snapshot Tool to help you prepare for our conversation. 

This tool is designed as a starting place; one that creates a snapshot of faith forming in our parish. It might also serve as a starting place for generating new ideas and plans for deepening your parish’s faith formation plan. It is not intended to be all inclusive nor is it size or geography specific. Check the column that best indicates your level of agreement with the statement. Answer spontaneously and honestly. The value in this tool comes in noting where you are and seeing where you might go. If you don’t know if something is true for some or most, just check the last box. The snapshot you create is intended to help you participate in the Adult Faith Formation gathering, is only intended for your use and will not be collected. It’s solely to stimulate your reflections and your sense of what’s possible. 

Please Pre-register

Preregistration to attend the consultation will ensure that the Zoom videoconference details are sent to you and allow us to better plan for the event. Please preregister here.
