We have various small groups that that share their lives and grow together in faith. Some groups take a break during the summer months. Please be in touch with the contact person if you would like more information about a group. 

Information updated September 2023


A small group that meets every other Monday evening in the Crypt Cafe at the church. They use a variety of sources for the study of Scripture and conclude with prayer. This group is intentionally limited in size.

Contact: Susan Little, salittle208@gmail.com,  905-528-3326


Bibles and Bagels

A womens' group that meets bi-weekly using a guide to study the Bible and how it relates to our lives today. the time concludes with prayer requests.

Contact Adrienne Devins toleafs8@gmail.com


The Good Book Club

A women’s group that meets online weekly on Saturday mornings to study a Bible passage (normally the Gospel reading appointed for the next day) using the lectio divina method, and to share prayer requests.

Contact: Sarah Wayland svwayland@gmail.com


Middle Ground

A diverse friendly group that meets mostly every other week in members' homes or church, for  food, fellowship, study and prayer. 

Contact: Emma Cubitt emmacubitt@gmail.com


Saturday Stuff for Guys

 We are a group of men who meet every other Saturday at 10:am in the Church Cafe. This is an informal bible study where our focus is on studying the appointed bible readings for the following Sunday service. The format is simply to read each passage and then share our thoughts and insights about each reading. It’s amazing what we can learn from others!

Contact Hal Devins toleafs8@gmail.com


For more information

Let us know how we can help you find the right group .

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