With heightened restrictions and protocols due to the pandemic, together with the situation in our city, our advice to parishioners who are most at risk for adverse outcomes from an infection with the coronavirus is to stay home and avoid any public gatherings, including public worship. This means that our parish can not assume that many of our parishioners who normally volunteer as part of our worship services are able to do so. We are, therefore, inviting other parishioners to consider volunteering for roles that assist us with Sunday in-person and online worship. Volunteers are required for the following roles:
Readers and Intercessor roles may be fulfilled either in-person at the 10AM service, or may be prerecorded at home and forwarded to the rector by the Wednesday before. The reading or prayer is provided.
Greeters are also needed and are essential to keeping us safe. There are three distinct roles for Greeters: (1) Outside welcoming people, opening the door, and ensuring mask-wearing (disposable masks are available for distribution); (2) at the Welcome Desk, confirming self-screening and registration, distributing the Order of Service; and (3) inside the church, seating worshippers in a physically distanced way and reminding them to remain at their place except as instructed for Holy Eucharist. The full protocol for Greeting is available here.
Finally, the Technical Director runs the livestream with the equipment provided. It may look like a challenging task, but a good routine has been developed, the bugs worked out, and excellent training will be provided.
If you are able to assist us in any of these ministry areas, please contact the rector.