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Message from Rev, Andrew.

There's a new experiment beginning at St John's: Second Sunday Services. On the second Sunday of the month in October, November, and December, we will gather for worship in a joint service at 10:00 am. The format will be Morning Prayer and much of the leadership will be provided by children, youth, and families. Following the service, there will be a chance to pick up some refreshments and then everyone heads to Church School. Kids head downstairs for fun, educational programming. The adults stay in church for a presentation/conversation on a particular topic about our faith. Everything should be wrapped up by 11:30.

The 8:00 am Holy Communion service remains as usual on second Sundays.

This experiment has taken shape through many individual conversations and some extended discussion at Parish Council. Many in our congregations have a desire to see children and young people more engaged in leadership roles in worship. This format provides that opportunity in a tailor-made environment. It also offers opportunities for mentorship and family participation. The Children's Choir will share their gifts and other music will be chosen with consideration for ease of singing together.

A shorter, combined service also offered the opportunity to engage in longer-form adult Christian education, which has also been identified as a priority for many at St John's. The hope is for a range of topics and presenters over time, making good use of the breadth of knowledge and experience with which our parish has been blessed.

This is a genuine experiment, which means trying something new and observing the results. After the Second Sunday Service in December (which includes a pageant!), there will be an opportunity to submit feedback which will be considered in scheduling for 2025.

Our first Second Sunday Service is on October 13, giving thanks for the harvest. We hope you will join us in praise and worship and to support the learning and formation of the young leaders in our parish.

 Photo by Ben White on Unsplash