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Do you know someone who is sick, having surgery or maybe going through a tough time? Maybe they have a job interview coming up or have a difficult decision to make. Perhaps you're grateful for God working in your life. Whatever it is that you'd like to offer, there are some serious and experienced people of prayer at St. Johns who will help you to put it into Gods hands.

 Follow these three steps.

  1. Go to the back of the church by the font as Communion begins.
  2. Two Prayer Team people will quietly greet you. Tell them your concern or thanksgiving

and they will pray with you.

  1. Return to your place, knowing your confidential pray is with God.

Simple. Be still and know that I am God (Ps.46:10)

For more information, contact Susan Little (905-912-4686) or Susanne Adams (905-531-3733).