In the Anglican Cycle of prayer, we pray for The Church of Ireland
In our Diocese of Niagara, we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell; St. David, Welland, the Venerable Terry Holub, Rector; the Reverend Deacon Richard Middleton, Deacon; the Venerable Bill Mous Honorary Assistant;, and the people of that parish.
In our parish cycle of prayer, we pray for Marjorie, Peter, Margaret, Kiri, Patrick, Hal, Adrienne, Michael, Brian and Eleanor.
In our neighbourhood, we pray for First Christian Reformed Church
Pastor Hayden Regeling, and the people of that congregation
Those in our parish for whom our prayers are requested, we pray for Olga. Geoffrey and Daryl
In our outreach and missions supported by SJE, we pray for Hamilton Out of the Cold
In our groups and organizations within SJE, we pray for The wardens (Deborah, Michael, Mary, and Sue), treasurer John Loukidelis, and Parish Council