The Niagara School for Missional Leadership is a ministry of the Diocese of Niagara helping us all to connect more fully and participate more deeply in God's mission. As Bishop Susan has recently said, "When you join God's mission, it's a bit like putting a plug into a socket--you're tapping into the source of love in this world, which is Jesus Christ. And sharing that love, sharing the gospel, is an energizing thing?"
Eight courses are being planned for the winter 2022 term of the Niagara School for Missional Leadership (NSML), which will run from February through March.
Three courses will be offered for the first time, including Gillian Doucet Campbell’s course on thinking missionally about stewardship. Canon Christyn Perkons will be leading a course on developing a parish Mission Action Plan (MAP) utilizing the newly released facilitator’s resource guide. For those involved in diaconal ministries or interested in diaconal ministry, Patrick Paulsen will be spearheading the first of a three-course series that situates participants in the narrative of Scripture and history to which the modern church belongs. The course material stretches all the way back to Abraham’s call in order to help orient the church to questions of how we arrived at this pivotal moment for mission in the twenty-first century.
Winter courses include:
Bursaries are available. Please speak with our rector, David Anderson, if you are interested.