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Introducing the Rev. Dena Thomas
St John's has the blessing of a curate! The Rev. Dena Thomas was ordained a deacon in May and will be serving two years of curacy in Hamilton. Her time is split between St John's and St Luke's Mission in the north end, so you'll see her around St John's during the week and every second Sunday. Dena brings a broad experience of Christ's church, both Anglican and others. She has lots of history in community-building, mission ministries, and spiritual direction. She's excited to get to know our parish and the people and ministry opportunities here. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself when you see her around!
But what's a curate?
Curates are to the Church what journeymen are to the trades. Curates are the real deal: fully licensed and able to do everything their ordination prescribes. Being recently ordained, curates work with a more experienced supervisor, gaining experience and learning on-the-job before they're appointed to other ministries and, one day, supervise curates of their own.
The Rev. Andrew Rampton
