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Scrolling through collected photos of our common life at St John’s, I see people across several generations hugging and laughing and enjoying each other’s company; musical folks singing and playing instruments together; and people engaging in various forms of outreach to the community. Most of all, I see loved ones, and people I would likely not know if St John’s were not here. We are not perfect, but we do our best to support each other and to love our neighbours.  

At the end of last year, I thought about what this parish means to me, and how I hope it can be as special for other people in the future. To better reflect our gratitude for how God has blessed us, my husband and I decided to increase our giving significantly for 2024.

Many people in this congregation already give as much as they can, and I am only catching up to them proportionally. But many of us have room to grow our giving, and every bit really does help. Right now, this summer, we are dipping into our line of credit. Our aging building requires two new sump pumps, and it looks like we may need to reach into our endowment to cover these expenses.

If this church is important to you, if you like what we are doing here, if you want to support life-giving ministries, I would encourage you to take some time to dwell on whether your financial giving to St John’s reflects that. If there is room to grow, to increase the proportion that you give, you can make that change right away by taking steps outlined on the GIVE TODAY page of our parish website.