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First Quarter 2024 Financial Update

The Profit and Loss by Month January - March 2024 file can be downloaded below.

The parish expenses are very close to what was estimated for the first quarter of 2024. This is good news. It means that both our ability to estimate our costs and our ability to stick to our planned expenses are very good! There were some extraordinary expenses in the first quarter of this year which will not repeat again, including moving expenses and office equipment for the new rector and the replacement of the dishwasher in the Activity Centre kitchen.

Offerings are below what was budgeted for the period, but this is not as bad as it may appear at first glance. In most years, the first quarter of the year is the poorest for offering. Christmas has just passed, Easter hasn't yet arrived, and the enthusiasm of spring is still just around the corner.

The corporation and treasurer do not have major concerns at this time and are looking forward to a busy, fruitful, spring and summer of ministry by and for our parish. 


  • The refugee expenses have been reimbursed by the diocese, but not until April and will show on the second quarter financial update.
  • The negative balance in the Shopping Cards line is peculiar and being investigated; this is likely a recording issue and not a real financial loss.