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Please come to the all ages social gathering on Nov. 25! The evening will begin with some advent crafts at 4:00 followed by a pay-what-you-can pasta supper together at 5:30 before we transition into a games night until about 9:00. Come for all or part of the time!

Bring along favourite games and perhaps a snack to share for the evening. For those interested in playing or trying out a role-playing game, Bruce Pilcher will be running a short Dungeons and Dragons encounter.

We are looking for a few more volunteers to host a craft table, clean up after the meal or to assist with putting away tables at the end of the evening. Please let Sharon Klassen know if you are able to help out or if you want to play Dungeons and Dragons. You can also let her know if you are hoping to come for the meal - no rsvp needed but it would be helpful for the cooks. She can be reached at 905-318-4528 or Looking forward to seeing you there!